Wednesday 6 January 2016

A Letter To My Two Year Old

Dear baby boy,

Where has the time gone? You're already over two and a half and are growing at a rapid pace. I notice it most in your clothes, in the ones I bought you months ago that were way too big and baggy at the time are now too small for you, particularly in length. How have you grown so much in just a few months? I also notice it in your weight. You're 2.5 stone now and I can just about carry you for a few minutes up the road until my arms give way. I look at you and you are growing into a little boy!

You still have your little chubby baby face though and are so kissable right now! You're still so baby-like in many ways. You burst into tears occasionally (and on some days a lot!) when you don't get your way, usually over something utterly trivial, like being given your red bowl instead of your purple one. You're still in nappies (potty training in progress) and you're still breastfeeding occasionally. You still have a huge appetite and will pretty much each anything. Although you're tall and lean you still have the cutest round little pot belly which is where all your food ends up!

You are full of so much energy at the moment, I can't keep up. You love jumping on bouncy castles, in puddles, on the bed, on mummy, on the sofa and anything you can find with a slight bounce to it. You don't sit still for long and love running, wrestling, jumping, hopping, anything active! We went into the countryside a couple of days ago with your new boots on and I told you you could jump in as many puddles as you liked. You were in your element and absolutely loved it, running up to any puddle you could find and making a huge jump and splash. I had a smile on my face watching you with so much excitement. 

You can read all the numbers from 1-10 now. I was amazed when you learnt to do this a few months ago and you can point out numbers wherever we go. Naturally, I think you are a genius. And you are saying all sorts of words, phrases and sentences, like a little boy. I really love the way you pronounce certain words in your baby accent still though. Green is 'nee-nor', sheep are still 'baa baa' and train is still 'choo choo'. You've just learnt the difference between under and over and love saying 'the train is going over the bridge'. You've also leant to distinguish between the sexes incredibly well. How and when did you learn this?  You know if someone is a man, women, 'little girl' or 'little boy'. You call yourself 'a big boy' now even though you call other kids your own age 'babies'. You are a real chatterbox and can speak all day long! Except when other people are around. That's when you go all shy.

I love all the activities we do together; swimming, painting, crafts and your recent favourite is cake baking! Most of the mixture gets eaten before it reaches the oven but you are my little sous chef! Drawing and painting are also high on your list and you're becoming more creative in your artwork. In the last few months you have been singing loads. You can sing the Alphabet, 'Old do-doddle' (Old MacDonald), Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Incy Wincy Spider and Baa Baa Black Sheep and you're so proud of yourself when you finish. Sometimes you applaud yourself, it's so funny! Occasionally, I change the words of the nursery rhymes and add silly words such as 'poop' which you find hilarious. Your favourite toys right now are Thomas the Tank Engine, your animal collection (particularly your elephant), your train set, Scout and your big red bus! You still love any vehicle just like you have done since you were a few months old.

Your personality is developing all the time. You are a mixture of cheekiness and sweetness rolled into one big ball of energy. You've got the most beautiful smile. You're becoming more and more independent and will go downstairs and bring something up to me if I ask (usually toy related). You continue to be very strong willed & determined (possibly taken after your mummy) and you will happily pick out you favourite toys or clothes if I ask what they are. You love pulling funny faces to make me laugh, usually at times when I'm meant to be cross with you like when you throw your food on the floor. You're very affectionate still and will ask for a trillion 'cuddles' everyday. They usually consist of two seconds of a cuddle followed by some kind of wrestle or bouncing activity! In the last few months you said 'I love you' for the first time which had me in tears. 

I so appreciate all the time I get to spend with you and all the things we experience together. I try to do as much with you as possible, to take you places & teach you about the world and also just experience life from your perspective. I won't lie, the days can be truly exhausting but I wouldn't have it any other way. Two is the best age yet, full of fun, love and mischief!

You are growing up faster than I would like but that is life I suppose.

I love you forever and ever more.

Mummy xxxx



  1. What a sweet sweet post. It is lovely to see them grow up, from little babies into big boys an girls. My daughter is the same age an I am constantly in awe at the rapid changes that happen and the personality that is shining through, stronger and stronger :)

    1. Thanks very much Sanna. They change so much! I started writing this post a couple of months ago but had to edit so much of it as he's stopped doing a lot of those older things and moved on to the new things he's learnt. Enjoy your precious time with your daughter, they are growing up so fast :) xx

  2. That's a lovely post. My son is at a similar age so I read with a wry smile your description of sweetness mixed with tears over the silliest things.


    1. Thanks very much for commenting. They are so cheeky/sweet/changeable at this age :) x

  3. Beautiful, its good to record these thoughts, I'm working on one to my 1 year old as he's just had his birthday. This is so touching. #thelist

    1. Thanks very much, it really is nice to record his development. I've been doing it since he was a baby and he has grown so quickly. Ah, happy birthday to your boy. Let me know when you write the letter :) x

  4. Beautiful, its good to record these thoughts, I'm working on one to my 1 year old as he's just had his birthday. This is so touching. #thelist

  5. This letter is so beautiful. Amazing that you have described so much about your sons character. It's crazy as when he is 18 you may forget what he was like, this letter will surely remind you! Thanks for linking up to #fabfridaypost

    1. Thanks so much. It's true, I'm already forgetting bits here and there so these will be lovely to look back on when he's older :)

  6. What a gorgeous letter and totally adorable picture. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

  7. He sounds very similar to my toddler with his love of singing, jumping in muddy puddles and chatting away in a cue accent. Your love for your little boy comes across in your writing so much.

  8. Such a lovely update.
    So lovely that he said I love you for the first time, little sweetie!


  9. What a lovely letter! I really enjoy reading things like this, because I just think how much it'll mean to both of you to look back on later. x #sharethejoylinky

  10. I love letter posts! Such a beautiful way to record these special memories of your son and something amazing for him to look back on when he's older. Thanks so much for linking up at #sharethejoy (Michelle at The Joy Chaser and The Essex Barn)


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