Thursday 30 March 2017

Brighton Pier Photography Walk

Last week I attended a photography walk with fellow Brighton bloggers including Chelle and Kate. Our aim was to walk along the coast taking photographs! In the end, we just walked around the pier but it was a great opportunity to catch up with bloggers, meet some new people, take a lot of photographs and enjoy the sunshine! I took my Nikon DSLR camera out this time and came back with a whole load of snaps. I don't usually edit my photographs heavily as I prefer them to look as natural as possible even if the weather is gloomy. But this time, I decided to up the saturation and bring out the colour in the photos (inspired by Florence and the Machine who I was listening to at the time of editing)! I do like the end result especially the ones of the Merry-go-round and views out to the West Pier and i360. Here they are:

Thursday 23 March 2017

Ebookadabra App Review

We have been reviewing the Ebookadabra App. We don't have a television at home so most of the things we watch are on Youtube, Apps or DVDs. In general, I don't download many apps so it was great to discover Ebookadabra, an educational model that provides reading, puzzles and games. 

Pip is nearly four and at the age where he is constantly asking questions and wants to learn. He can write and read a few words, loves reading and is absorbing information quicker than ever. So, I was keen to try the Ebookadabra app. It provides a 'magical world of kids' reading' with hundreds of picture books from the top publishers including Disney, Bloomsbury, Harper Collins, Oxford University Press and more. This app is designed for ages 3-7 years so perfect for Pip.

Thursday 16 March 2017

Boots Soltan Travel Range Review

Over the winter months I have been reviewing a selection of products from the Boots Soltan range.  The Soltan range is genuinely one of my favourite brands and I have been using their sun care products for many years, including their kids range with Pip. I reviewed the Boots Botanics All Bright Skincare Range last year and was offered a further chance to work with Boots to review this wonderful set of Soltan products for use as a winter sun survival kit.

We had planned to go further afield in the winter months but had to put our plans on hold when Pip was ill. However, we did travel in the UK and were so lucky with the weather. I must admit I usually forget about sun protection in the winter but it's important to look after your skin all year round. The great thing about Soltan sun products is that they have a 5-star rating against the skin damage caused by UVA rays. We used our winter sun care pack on our recent trip to Wales back in January.
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