Sunday 10 July 2016

#MyFavouriteTrip Linky: On a Summer break

Apologies if you came here on Thursday looking to link up with #MyFavouriteTrip. The past week I've had many sleepless nights, an ongoing backlog of work, a faulty laptop (meaning everything takes twice as long) and many half-finished blog posts I want to publish. I was planning on taking a break from the linky in August but I've decided to bring it forward. Anyone who hosts a linky will know how time-consuming it is. It takes several hours each week commenting on blogs and promoting the linky and at the moment I just don't have enough time to fit it all in unfortunately. Along with working and looking after an active little boy, I've also committed myself to some projects over the summer which means I don't have as much time as I did before. Plus, it's always nice to have a break and come back feeling refreshed isn't it!

I do love reading all the travel posts from those who've linked up since the beginning of this year and I want to thank everyone for bringing my travel inspiration back! I have a very exciting holiday booked for next month (another reason why I'm busy) which I'll be writing about soon. I also have many more travel posts on recent trips to come. So, I'll still be blogging but #MyFavouriteTrip will be back in September. Until then, if you're looking for some travel inspiration have a look through the #MyFavouriteTrip series :-)

Sunday 3 July 2016

Silent Sunday Photo: Mersea Island


Friday 1 July 2016

My Favourite Trip June Winner

#MyFavouriteTrip has changed a bit in the last month. Previously, I featured a winning post each week. I still feature a post each week but all of those I feature now have a chance of winning £50 from Truprint at the end of the month.  

Here's a quick reminder of #MyFavouriteTrip's featured posts from June: 

Kippers and Curtains: Elderflower Fields 2016 

Jo Jacks Travel: Petra With Kids 

Global Locavore: The Sweetness of Sharing in Split, Croatia 

Cider with Sophie: Worthing with Kids - Pick Your Own 

The June winner is - Jo Jacks Travel: Petra With Kids 

I'm still in awe with this family for visiting Petra with a four year old, two year old and six month baby in tow, proving anyone with kids can travel. Read more about why I picked this postCongratulations to Jo who wins a £50 gift voucher to spend at Truprint!
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