Tuesday 5 June 2018

Pip turns five!

Pip turned five last week! I can't believe five years have whizzed by because to me Pip is still my baby boy. Actually, it feels like he's been here a lot longer than five years. It's difficult to think back to a time before he came along and we have filled the last five years with so much including many wonderful adventures together. Here's a little list of some of Pip's highlights in the last year.

Starting school
The biggest change in the past year has been Pip attending school! He started reception class in September and I'm so pleased to say that he loves it. I had a couple of doubts at the beginning because he seemed so young but school life has been wonderful. His school and teachers are absolutely amazing. It’s such a little friendly community hub and the best thing is that Pip thoroughly enjoys school and everything that comes with it. He loves to learn and socialise and has developed so many beautiful friendships. He looks forward to school every single day. Not sure how long it will last but we are appreciating everything that comes with school life. I've also met so many new parents and have volunteered on some of the school trips which have been a lovely insight into school life.

On the beach in Brighton
Learning to swim
Last summer, Pip learnt to swim without his armbands. I’ve taken him to classes since he was a baby and because I swim competitively when I was younger I’m keen for him to enjoy the water as much as I do! With googles on he picked up on how to swim under water almost immediately! It took a bit longer above the water but he soon learnt how. We now have races in the water and all sorts. I’m still amazed at how quickly kids can learn new skills!

I took Pip to India when he was three and would love to return soon. Last September, we visited Venice with my friend and her little boy. It was a great trip away and Pip is such an amazing traveller. He rarely complains and just gets on with things. Plus, we had the most delicious pizza and ice-cream in Italy so Pip was happy. Nearer to home, we have spent many days on the beach in Brighton!

Cycling off into the distance!
Learning to ride a bike
A couple of months ago, Pip learnt to ride a bike without stabilisers. He's had a bike with stabilisers since he was about two but we recently bought a bigger model without any support. Some of his school friends cycle to school and I think this was a good incentive for Pip to learn too. It took just a few sessions in the park and he was off. I couldn’t believe it! It was and is amazing to watch him cycle independently around the park. In fact, it's hard to keep up with him! I remember learning to ride a bike but I'm sure it wasn't as young as 4! I need to get my bike fixed so we can go on bike rides together.

Dinosaurs & Lego
Pip's number one toy has always been vehicle related, anything with wheels basically. Ever since he was a baby he has loved cars, trucks, and particularly trains. Thomas the Tank Engine was his number one toy for about two years. This past year he has developed a love for Lego and dinosaurs! It's funny watching the influencers amongst his little friends. Two of Pip’s closest friends have dinosaur knowledge beyond their years and in the last few months Pip has developed such a huge interest in dinosaurs that he can name most of them, describe each dinosaur body part in detail and tell me if they were herbivores or carnivores. In comparison, I barely know a thing about dinosaurs and again, am amazed at how much knowledge children have! More than me it seems!

Blowing out the candles on his dinosaur birthday cake.
Pip is such a sweet boy, he really is. He's full of energy, always chatty, very sociable and has such a sweet temperament. He's so kind, generous and is the most affectionate little boy. He's always telling me he loves me and it makes my heart melt each time. He’s still so innocent and I love it. I know I'm his mum but he makes me so proud every day and the love I feel for him is infinite. His constant chatter, endless questions and high activity levels keep me on my toes but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Reaching another year is always bittersweet, a reminder that time is flying by and these days of childhood won’t last forever but I hope life as a five year old will bring just as much happiness as the year gone by. We have lots of exciting days ahead.

*This post contains sponsored content. All words are my own.

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  1. Happy birthday to Pip. Kids grow up so fast that its important to cherish every moment.

  2. Ahh lovely post, a very happy birthday to Pip. Time does go far too fast when they are small. Mich x

  3. Happy birthday to Pip! We often joke that we don't want our 6 year old twins to grow anymore. Every year and milestone is so important and it's wonderful to seem them grow. x

  4. What a lovely post! It's great to write about these memories so you can show him when he's older.

    1. Thanks so much. I actually hadn't thought about showing him in the future, great idea & will be lovely to look back on x

  5. Happy birthday Pip, life sounds really good for you both right now!

  6. Aww... such a sweet post. I think he will get on with Ethan just fine. He is such a dinosaurs fanatic since a very young age. Kid are like sponges when it comes to learning what interests them. Thanks for sharing such a sweet post. xx

    1. Thank you Su! We will definitely have to meet up again soon & bring the dinosaurs along :) xx

  7. Ah Happy Birthday to Pip. My little girl turned 5 this week and like Pip is has been such a big year with start school and finding their own little way. Beautiful post x

    1. Thank you Natalie! Happy birthday to your girl too :) A great age isn't it x

  8. What a lovely post to look back over as Pip gets older. Happy Birthday to him and well done on all his accomplishments

  9. What a wonderful year Pip has had, with so many milestones met and much fun had I'm sure. A happy (belated) birthday to him.

  10. Gosh looks like you've had such a busy time. Especially pleased to hear Venice was popular! ;-)

    1. It was a wonderful trip. He asked the other day if we could go back! :)

  11. Happy Birthday Pip! It sounds like your little one is growing up so fast, achieving all these remarkable milestones.
    Children nowadays are definitely mastering things quicker than when mine were small; especially technology.
    I know you must be so proud of what a clever, sociable and capable little boy he has become

    1. Thanks so much Tanya! It's true, children learn so quickly these days! I sure am a proud mama xx

  12. SO many wonderful milestones! I love that you have them written down here too so you'll always remember them. #FabFridayPost

    1. Thank you. Lots of things to look back on :)

  13. Happy Birthday Pip! 5 is a great age to be. What a fun year - well done learning to cycle.

  14. He sounds so well rounded! Maybe in the summer he can teach Athena to ride her bike with no stabilisers on! ;) She's reluctant to let them go!

    1. Yes definitely, let's go for a summer cycle ride :)

  15. It would have been a fun day. Happy birthday to him! This reminds me of my son’s birthday that we celebrated last year in an LA venue. After the party I took him for a bike ride and we all went for swimming. It was a perfect day for everybody. I still cherish it a lot.


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