Friday 6 March 2015

Hosting Parent Bloggers Chat on Twitter

On Sunday evening I’ll be hosting the #pbloggers chat on twitter. The chat is part of the Parent Bloggers Network and is a regular & popular discussion for all parents out there. It is usually run by Laura from Max and Mummy and is held every Sunday between 9-10pm.

I joined this chat for the first time myself just a couple of months ago and really like getting involved. It’s nice to hear from other bloggers, realise you’re a part of a big blogging community, relate on so many issues (like having no time to do anything!), hear how others juggle work/life/kids and simply chat and socialise with bloggers, old and new alike.

If you have no idea how it works the host usually starts the conversation by asking a question and those participating can respond. In this instance any tweet should include the hashtag #pbloggers so discussions can easily be followed or even found later on twitter. There is one main topic every week. Last week it was food, the previous week was time management and organisation in relation to blogging.

My topic is blogging subjects. This will include how we choose what to write about and if there are any subjects we avoid. I don’t want to give too much away but I think this will be a really interesting discussion. So, if you’re a parenting blogger (although not essential with this week’s topic) and want to take part in the discussion come and join in on my twitter page Our Seaside Baby on Sunday night at 9pm.

Look forward to seeing you there! 

#pbloggers badge

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