Sunday 12 October 2014

Why I didn’t return to work after baby

When I was a little girl I didn’t really dream of a big wedding or living in a big castle or wearing a beautiful Cinderella gown. For me my dreams were always about having a baby. My dolls and teddies would be in my role play as my children and I would be their mummy. Like many young girls (and boys!) I’d push my ‘baby’ around in a buggy, feed her, wash her, brush her hair, change her nappies and give her lots of affection. Fast forward into adulthood and that love and desire of babies always remained. I always saw myself with a baby at some point but was keen to experience carefree life first. I went to university, travelled, lived in different places, worked in different roles and was fortunate to have a good career before baby came along.

When we decided to start trying for a baby it took much longer than we had expected. The initial waves of excitement and anticipation were replaced with disappointment, longing and doubt. So when I finally did become pregnant we were over the moon. I couldn’t believe I was pregnant. To us it felt like a miracle and still does today. I have been pregnant. I have given birth. Wow! There are days when I still can’t believe it. When our little boy came into the world on that magical day last year all my dreams came true. My love for him is more than words can describe.

I took the full amount of maternity leave and emerged myself into parenthood. I thoroughly enjoyed this new role and learning all about this wonderful little person. It was not always easy though. The sleepless nights, exclusive breastfeeding, little me time, new family dynamic was exhausting but slowly you learn to adapt. We went to baby groups and had/have a social network of other mums. I didn’t know how I’d feel at the end of the year so kept the door open to possibilities of returning to work. However, as the date came nearer I couldn’t imagine returning to work and leaving our baby in a nursery. I had a good, interesting, well-paid job with lovely colleagues and stacked up the pros and cons of returning to work. In the end I decided that I wanted to spend more time with our little baby. I can return to work at any point but my baby is only young once. I want to cherish every single day with him. We are fortunate enough to afford being on one salary (just about!) and it has worked for us. Most of my mummy friends have returned to work, some wanting to, some having to and I think you should do whatever makes you happy (if you have the means to do that). For me, being a SAHM is by far the most challenging thing I’ve ever done but it’s also the most rewarding. I am spending my days bringing up our son and couldn’t think of anything I’d rather do. It can be demanding but has been worth every single minute :)

Did you return to work after baby? What are your experiences?

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