Sunday 20 November 2016

An Afternoon at the Seaside

This week has been full of rain, wind and gloomy weather unfortunately. But on Friday there was a little window of sunshine so I took the opportunity to take Pip to the seaside. I wrapped us up in layers as it was very cold and the water choppy with a high tide but it was so nice having the warmth of the sunshine on our faces! We took a whole load of selfies with Pip pulling the most funny faces, he is hilarious at the moment and makes me laugh so much. He scooted up and down with me trying to keep up and we stayed to watch the sunset. It was a beautiful afternoon.

Have you been to the coast lately?



  1. Beautiful photo, I bet it was a bit chilly

    Thank you for linking up

    1. Thanks very much. We've had so many chilly days recently but the sunshine makes all the difference :-)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks very much. The light is so low and bright at this time of the year (when the sun is out that is!) x

  3. Great photo - I bet it's super chilly by the sea this time of year!

    1. Thanks very much Jade. It never gets too chilly down here thankfully but we have had so many cold & windy days here recently! x

  4. A lovely capture with the suns ray too


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