Tuesday 1 May 2018

5 things I’d do if I had a million pounds

Have you ever wondered what you’d do if you came into a large chunk of money? Have you imagined travelling around the world or buying your dream house? I’ve had discussions with family and friends on winning the lottery and what we’d do with a big amount of money. I don’t actually take part in the lottery and I’m not sure I’d like to be rich either. It often seems more trouble than it’s worth! And I’ve had some amazing experiences around the world with little money. However, occasionally it’s nice to dream. So, just for fun, here are 5 things I’d do if I had a million pounds!

Buy a new house
With crazy housing prices in the UK, especially in the south-east, buying a house in Brighton is expensive! However, if I had up to a million pounds I’d buy my dream house. It would include good sized bedrooms, a big garden and perhaps a beautiful view out to sea. I love swimming and would also be tempted to buy a house with a pool. How luxurious!

Buy new furniture and interiors
I’ve spoken previously about saving money and using sites such as Freecycle and shopping in charity shops. I’ve found some real bargains in this way and have spent little on furniture. However, if I had the money I’d splash out! In addition to my homeware wish list, I’d love a new white gloss kitchen and giant Indian rugs that spread across the floor. I'd also invest in some pieces of designer furniture such as those from Utility Design. I love their funky clocks and reclining lounge chairs.

Donate money to charities and organisations
Donate some to charity and local causes. I support several charities including Save the Children and Oxfam and I worked in a Palestinian refugee camp. Due to the funding cuts I’d also donate some to Pip’s school, the local hospital where I gave birth, and other local charities and festivals! It would be difficult to choose but I’d donate a large chuck and spread it over several charities.

With my little cousin Dipankar in Kolkata, India 
As the saying goes, ‘Travel is the only thing you buy that makes your richer.’ I’ve travelled a lot and Pip has visited some amazing countries including Italy and India. But if I had the money I’d definitely travel more frequently. My travel bucket list includes India, Italy and Japan!

Spend and save
I rarely spend big amounts on anything so for once it would be nice to splash out and not worry about the price tag! I’d buy a new wardrobe full of clothes, eat out at lavish restaurants, buy a new car and presents for family and friends. Likewise, I’d probably put some of the funding into savings for Pip’s future or for a rainy day.


This post contains a sponsored link. All words and opinions are my own.

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What would you do if you won a million pounds? I’d love to hear your thoughts ☺



  1. I'd love new furniture too; I hadn't thought of that one!

  2. A house and travel would be top on my list of priorities too... We can dream!

  3. I would love to travel, that would be amazing. If we could buy the house we are living in too, then I would be totally happy!

    1. Small things would make a big difference wouldn't they :)

  4. If I won a million pounds I would love to have a big family holiday, and buy a new wardrobe, plus get all the renovations done properly to our house. Claire x

  5. I'd invest a significant chunk of it in a new house, and probably a nice holiday.
    Of course we'd then be mortgage free so considerably better off each month anyway!

    1. That's true. I can't imagine not paying towards rent or a mortgage. One day perhaps... :)

  6. This is my favourite thought process when I can't get to sleep! Sometimes I even go imaginary shopping!

  7. Travel and interiors would be top of my list too. In fact I think I'd pay an interior designer to get cracking while I was on holiday :)

    1. Great idea! It would open up a whole new world wouldn't it :)

  8. Ahh to dream...to make sure your friends and family were ok, then a funky new motorhome!

  9. I went to Brighton recently and yep, the houses were so gorgeous and of course expensive! Buying a house would be top of my list too! #FabFridayPost

  10. I'm not sure what I'd do, but I think I'd be a lot less worried about stuff

    1. That's true. Money wouldn't be a problem but what to spend it on would be :)

  11. First thing on my list would be a house with 4 bedrooms and a garden. Just big enough. Then I would make sure our families were all sorted with their own properties too. Then I thing travelling would be on the cards! #FabFridayPost

  12. So spooky I have just asked my friend and partner this! I would buy a house, visit my best friend in Cornwall and pay for my dad's care needs, make sure he is looked after. I'd donate to Stroke Association, Dementia Friends, Earl MB Hospice and HomeStart x

    1. Oooh that is a coincidence! Lovely set of charities to donate money to :)


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